CDW Coaching & Organisational Health (Pty) Ltd

Connection, Collaboration, and Contribution

Megamaster has partnered with Riaan de Wet for the past 2 years focussing on the well-being of our business with a specific focus on personal growth for all team members within the company culture. As Leaders in our organisation we should accept that corporate culture is unique to each company, eliminating a "one size fits all" management strategy. As part of our culture and value chain, Orghealth defined the collection of shared values, visions, customs, traditions, and internal goals that contribute to make our company unique. As a result of the personal transformation, Orghealth assist by aligning with the implementation of future strategies for effecting change, controlling change, and helping people to adapt to change. #togethermadebetter #togerthersmith
Callie Visagie / Head of Operations / Megamaster